Feel more connected with your baby & more confident as a mum
(& PS - enjoy more sleep!)
Is your baby crying a lot and you're not sure why?
Do you find yourself rocking & patting & singing & shushing & basically doing ANYTHING to help them go to sleep - but they just won't?!
Is your baby starting to hit or bite or behave in ways you're not sure how to best deal with? It feels like tantrums have started waaaay too early!
If any of this is you right now, we can help!
- Understand your baby's emotional needs so that they sleep better & are more relaxed during the day
- Discover why your baby is crying so you know what they really need
- Reduce the stress of car trips by helping your baby be more content in the car
- Understand how play helps babies from a young age so you can have more fun together
- Develop a solid base as a parent so you can confidently support your baby as they grow into rambunctious toddlers and beyond....
"I truly love this approach, it is bringing so much more harmony into our family.
I really wish I had known about this approach before she was born, it would have made such a difference to us, but it's never too late and I am very grateful to know about it now….
It has been changing our lives and I will always be grateful.” Veronica
Help your baby:
Grow up connected with all of her feelings, free to express herself authentically and fully
Stay connected with his deepest self
Tell you what is REALLY going on for her when she's a child and teenager (even the challenging and painful things)
Stay true to himself
We're Marion Rose Ph.D. and Helena Mooney!
We are here to support YOU, and your baby. We'll show you how to help your baby:
- Be aware and present (her true nature!)
- Be more relaxed (which is who he truly is!)
- Be more deeply connected with you (not just spacing out!)
- Sleep for longer (because she's truly relaxed, not just zoning out!)
- Sleep more soundly (so that you can see how relaxed her muscles are)
- Release stress from inevitable everyday occurrences (through play and crying-in-arms)
- Be more contented in the car (because she's more relaxed!)
- Heal forever from any birth trauma or separations (so she doesn't need to wait until adulthood!)
- Be able to concentrate for longer periods (because she's both relaxed AND alert!)
- Be the loving and compassionate being that she was born as (because she's relatively free from pent-up feelings)
"The Aware Parenting Babies course changed my life. It opened my eyes to a new way of connecting with my baby, myself and everyone around me.
I was in a desperate place, a walking zombie as my son woke every hour at 6 months. I didn’t want to let him cry but neither dummy nor boob nor anything else I tried was helping.
I started the course because of sleep and continued it because it changed the way I saw my baby’s emotions. I connected more with him, I enjoyed him more, I connected more with myself and my partner and yes, better sleep followed pretty quickly.”
CAROLINE (Mum to 2 boys)
What You'll Receive
Weekly Q&A Sessions, Unlimited FB Support
Receive regular emails each week with inspiration, information & links to your videos & our weekly Q&A sessions. And receive unlimited Facebook support from me within the private group.
Videos, Audios & Articles
Short, easily digestible videos that not only describe what to do, but also show you how to implement the strategies with real life examples with Helena's son. Or download them & listen on the go.
Supportive Online Community
Be supported by myself & other parents who really understand the day to day struggles and will cheer you on as you implement the new strategies, support you in the difficulties, and share their own experiences.
LIFETIME ACCESS so you can come back whenever you want
What We'll Cover Together
About Aware Parenting
Based upon Attachment Theory and developed by Aletha Solter Ph.D, you'll discover how Aware Parenting is the essential missing piece from most of the parenting advice out there.
This will change your understanding of your baby's behaviours & needs and give you the 'aha' moment to respond differently & more effectively to your baby.
Understand why your baby cries so much! And discover how crying is actually beneficial for your baby when you hold them in your arms.
THIS is the missing piece and this concept will change your life! Plus it's the best preparation as your baby moves into becoming a toddler with frustrations & tantrums.
Probably the #1 reason you're reading this page right now! Getting your baby to sleep is probably one of your biggest challenges at the moment.
Aware Parenting can help. By gaining an understanding of what's really going on for your baby and then responding to those needs, you baby WILL sleep better. And so will you!
Does your baby cry a lot in its carseat? Is the 'witching hour' a nightmare in the early evening? What about travelling with your baby?
Learn how to apply these Aware Parenting principles to everyday situations to make scenarios such as these so much easier to navigate.
More Ways to Help Your Baby
Discover how the simple act of playing with your baby can help them sleep better, be calmer during the day & release upset feelings.
Plus you'll also discover how to set limits with your baby in a respectful, gentle & effective way (perfect preparation for those toddler years!).
You & Your Feelings
Parenting is THE greatest personal development experience there is. It's amazing, relentless & can induce an incredible amount of guilt & anxiety! So let's talk about this.
Throughout the 5 weeks you'll be supported in whatever comes up for you. The more support you receive, the more you're able to give to your baby. So come & be nurtured as you nurture your baby.
Your Recent Experiences
If you've had a difficult birth experience or a relatively easy one, we understand the impact it has on you & your baby and bring you this approach to help you with the experience.
Please know that it's never too late to introduce Aware Parenting to your family, whether you've tried Self-Soothing methods to help your baby sleep better, or the Attachment Parenting approach.
Our Aware Parenting Conversations
Gain a personal insight into us as mums & hear about our experiences with our own children, - how it was for us for our first & second children, what we found hard & easy, what we'd do differently if we could do it all over again, etc.
We both love the theory and know the reality of implementing Aware Parenting with our own babies so can offer you the honest realities!
PLUS these AMAZING Bonuses!
It's not all about crying! Play is such an incredibly powerful way to help your baby with their emotions. Plus it's fun! Discover how.
Value $39
Discover how you can implement this approach with your older child as well as your baby.
Value $39
Learn how to partner effectively & respectfully with your Partner about parenting. Reduce conflict & bring harmony to your relationship as well as your baby.
Value $39
Like the theory but not sure how it works in reality? This video will show you how to apply these principles in everyday, normal life.
Value $39
Prior to finding the Aware Parenting Babies course my daughter was absolutely terrible at napping during the day. I would spend so much time rocking, patting, shushing and singing to her to get her to sleep and resettle after every sleep cycle. This repeated throughout the nighttimes also. I was so exhausted and felt as though I could not catch a break.
My daughter now sleeps for 2 hour blocks at nap times and lengthy blocks at night. Her feeding has improved drastically and some of the wind problems she had has reduced.
I count my blessings I found this when I did otherwise I am not sure how I would be coping today"
"It was like a light bulb moment. We found the more we provide him with this understanding the less meltdowns he’s having & I’m less exhausted at the end of the day.
More joy for everyone!
A BIG thank you Helena, from all 3 of us."
"We are starting to really see the benefits in our happy little guy. He's transitioning into & out of sleep so well - I understand his needs much better.
It's certainly been life changing for me so far.” Erin
About Us
Helena Mooney
I've been practicing Aware Parenting for 12 years and became an Aware Parenting Instructor and a Parenting by Connection Instructor in 2014.
I'm also a Doula and mum to 2 children - Emily (12 & George (6) - both of whom you will hear about in the course!
I started when Emily was 10 months old (so if you're baby is older, you can absolutely still join in and gain so much from this course), and have been with my son in this way since his birth.
I am so thankful for finding this approach when my children were young, as it has given me amazing insight and tools to help them as babies, as well as when they became toddlers and now a primary-aged school child.
The support I've gained from Marion and other Aware Parents has been instrumental in me being able to be with my children and all of their big, strong feelings. So I am incredibly passionate about supporting parents in those every-day challenging moments we all struggle with, from birth, babies and beyond.....
Marion Rose Ph.D.
I'm a mother of a 16 year old daughter and 11 year old son, and I'm a Level Two Aware Parenting Instructor.
I've been practising Aware Parenting since my daughter was 3 months old, in 2002.
I've been an Aware Parenting Instructor since 2005, and I have a 30 year background in developmental psychology and psychotherapy, including a Ph.D. from Cambridge University on postnatal depression and the mother-infant relationship.
My particular passion is working with mothers who love exploring their own emotional worlds and growing alongside their children.
I LOVE Aware Parenting because it helps us be deeply connected with our babies and them with us, and it gives us the tools and understandings to support our babies to stay connected with their true nature and real selves (and along the way for us to reconnect with who we really are too!)